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PT Pulse - Article 7 - A Grateful & Happy Heart

This is a heartfelt note of thanks to each and every one of you that has shown their love and support, whether near or far - it takes a village to do many things in life, and building a business is no exception.

When I was toying with the thought four or so months ago, to open my own practice, I never fully imagined it would become what it has already. My door has officially been open for six weeks and I continue to be overwhelmed and humbled daily by the outpouring of support and encouragement from family, friends, and clients. I have no way of putting into words the feeling when the first (or second, or fortieth) notification pops up that someone has booked a service... My husband will tell you I am still giddy whenever a new booking is made or a gift card is purchased - that is a feeling that will take a long time to lose it's luster, if it ever does.

I truly had no idea whether the concept of blending my PT work with massage would take off, if perfect strangers would consider me for their self-care, or if I would like what I was doing day in and day out. To answer these uncertainties... Yes!! The idea of working my PT background into a massage practice has been wildly well received (*pats self on back*). Yes!! Perfect strangers are booking sessions and entrusting me with their ailments and need for self-care. And YES!! I am LOVING what I am doing on a daily basis - the clinic is my newest happy place; the lighting, the music, the calm and healing feel of it all, and of course all of my clients. Without my clients, there is no me, and there is no RehabMaine.

My heart especially holds gratitude for a handful of people that were pivotal in my taking a leap of faith and starting this practice; conversations had around our kitchen table or theirs... to each and every one of you, thank you. We love our tribe of empowered, brave, imaginative, confident, entrepreneurial people and we strive to surround ourselves with these exceptional humans often. RehabMaine is a beautiful product of what can become of a fleeting thought fed by the ongoing support and encouragement of these like-minded people that selflessly want to see you succeed.

In the past six weeks, I. have met so many new and wonderful people, each so happy and grateful to be coming to see me. I love the work I am doing and will continue to do. The love from the surrounding community has been unmatched - to those who have come to see me, to those who have referred their own loved ones, and to those who are my cheerleaders, continually promoting my presence in Pittsfield... THANK YOU ALWAYS.

I cannot wait to see what 2024 has in store for RehabMaine <3

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